Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Daftar Pertanyaan Wawancara LPDP Batch 3 2016

Terimakasih buat yang sudah baca possible question yang saya tuliskan pada postingan sebelumnya. Kali ini saya akan posting beberapa pertanyaan yang ditanyakan penguji saat saya wawancara di Jogja pada 11 Agustus 2016 yang lalu.
Semoga membantu... 
Abaikan jawabannya
1.     Tell us about your self !
My name is Maria Ulfah. I come from Sampit, Central of Kalimantan. I passionate in education. I spent my time for learn about education, theory and practice throught many communities. Last year I spent one year to join in Sekolah Guru Indonesia Dompet Dhuafa to be a young teacher in 3T area. Now, I join be a teacher in a orphanage “Baitun Naja Orphanage”. I interest for continue my magister degree in education especially in instructional leadership.  This is my second attempt. I hopefully can get this scholarship so I can give better benefit for the people around me with my knowledge and my experience.

2.    Why do you choose Instuctional Leadership?
I interest in field of education especially educational leadership. To promote education in Indonesia is very important to see how the quality of the headmaster. after seeing the quality of the principal phenomena of the moment. as that I learned about instructional leadership in the hope of benefiting through my study to improve the quality of education in Indonesia, especially on the part of educational leadership .

3.    Why you Choose Unimelb?
Unimelb have a major Instructonal Leadership which focus on equip aspiring and practising educational leaders from all fields of education with the knowledge, understandings and skills to build and sustain effective teaching and individual student learning and development in schools and other educational settings. Morever Instructional Leadership in Unimelb align with the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership National Professional Standard for Principals. So, Choose Unimelb I earn more profit that can enrich my knowledge and experience in the field of educational leadership

4.    Why not in Indonesian such as in UNY, UPI and the others?
I interest to focus on educational leadership. My major available in Unimelb. In Indonesian such as UPI, UNY, UNJ just learne about management of education in generally. The curriculum which offered different with instructional leadership in unimelb. For clearly, may I show you My document.

5.    Please tell me about your research and what the benefit your research for Indonesia?
My major instructional leadership in Unimelb align with organization called " Australian Professional Standards for Principal " an institution that develop and maintain professional standards of Australia's strict in teaching and leading schools and encourages the development of high-quality professionals for teachers and school leaders through professional standards , professional learning and national approach . This is what will become of my research in magister. How these institutions can play a significant role in ensuring the quality of educators and school principals in Australia . Through this research I hope to find a formulation that can be applied in Indonesia in the field of improving the competence and professionalism of principals in Indonesia .

6.    How about your TOEFL skor? Are you sure will accept in Unimelb?
I know My skor toefl is low. But FYI, I started learn toefl in Pare, My skor just 360. When I learn every day for one month, I take real test in Sanata Dharma, I get skor 463. And now, because Inot have enough money, I studied independently at home with a variety of sources such as books and youtube and I joint in sekolah toefl budi waluyo. I know that improve English capability not easy, but I bealive  if I studie morehard, I will get it.

7.    Why you failed in LPDP Batch 2?
After I failed , I requested information to the selection score LPDP about my substance as a material improvement to sign up this time . I see the basic things that I need to improve is the interview portion . I realized that moment I had not shown good reason  why I chose it and what my thesis plan and its benefits to Indonesia.

8.    What your strainght and your weekness?
My strainght are Willpower, High Survival and adaptable
MY weeknes are rush and so easy trust people.

9.    How you see your self in the future
In Fife until ten years I see my self as a practition in institutional education. I be a speaker in many seminar or workshop education for sharing while learning.

10.  What your motivation to continue your study? And whay must study abroad?
There is a saying to give something then we have to have something . I decide to make myself useful to others . For that I need more knowledge in order to benefit more . I was young , I wanted to learn more in my productive age , I learn that I needed with my best, to be a way for me to share in the future. Why abroad ? There are 3 reasons1
-  Build a network with many people who would be very useful in the future
- The opportunity to study at university and qualified teachers
-  In those countries , have the opportunity to develop more insight and value of life , and there we will see a lot of positive things that could be a solution to the existing problems in Indonesia

11.   what make you special to receive this scholarship/ what differes you from other applicants?

“I know that you have met here many great talents or  ones that similarl to me. one thing I want to emphasize that I am a person who will be responsible for what was entrusted to me. I know that Indonesia spend a lot of money to send me to study . Of course I have to provide benefits to Indonesia . This is in line with the vision of my life that I wanted to become a person that is useful to people around me . With my experience in the field of education , the ability of survival and adaptation are high, I 'm sure I can take advantage of these scholarships as well as possible to study in the other country and came back with something useful for Indonesia .

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