Sunday, 11 June 2017

Sample Answer for IELTS Task 1 The table below shows social and economic indicators for four countries in 1994, according to United Nations statistics.

The table below shows social and economic indicators for four countries in 1994, according to United Nations statistics.

Describe the information shown below in your own words. What implications do the indicators have for the countries?
» You should write at least 150 words.
Annual income per person (in $US)
Life expectancy at birth
Daily calorie supply per person
Adult literacy rate (%)
 Sample Answer :
The table depicts information about four social and economic factors of four countries namely Canada, Japan, Peru and Zaire in 1994. It is clear that Canada and Japan had a better economic and social condition than the other countries.

According to the table, Japan was the highest country that had annual income per person with 15,760 USD, followed by Canada with 11,000 USD. While there was extremely difference in two other countries (Peru and Zaire). They had annual income per person far below Canada and Japan. Peru just had 160 USD and Zaire was the poorest with 130 USD. Furthermore, Peru and Zaire was the countries which had life expectactancy lower than Canada and Japan.

As it observed from the given data, daily calories supply in Canada and Japan was 3326 and 2846 per person, while this ratio in Peru and Zaire was almost a half, with 1927 and 1749 per person. Again, the adult literacy rate in both Canada and Jaoan was excatly same 99%, while other countries, namely Peru and Zaire had far less adult literacy rates which were 68 and 34 percents respectively.

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Example Answer Writing IELTS Cambridge Test 3 task 1

The diagrams below show the life cycle of the silkworm and the stages in the production of silk cloth.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

» Write at least 150 words.

Academic IELTS Writing task 1 Sample 94 image 1
Academic IELTS Writing task 1 Sample 94 image 2

Example Answer 
The pictures depict the life process of the silkworm and the phases in the manufacture of silk material. It can be seen that, lifecycle of silkworms consists of 4 stages, while silk clothes are produced in 5 stages.
According to first picture, eggs are produced by the moth and it takes 10 days for the eggs to hatch into silkworm larvae that feed on mulberry leaves. This stage takes between 4 and 6 weeks before the worms construct a cocoon from silk thread, taking approximately one week. They stay there for around a fortnight, subsequently emerging as moths and the process can begin again.
The first stage in the manufacture of silk is the selection of cocoons and these are then boiled. Once boiled, the silk thread is unwound to a length of between 300 and 900 meters. Finally, the silk can be twisted and weaved into cloth before being dyed.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

IELTS Writting about Obesity (cause and solution)

All over the world, societies are facing a growing problem with obesity. This problem affects both children and adults. What are the reasons for this rise in obesity? How could it be tackled?

You should write at least 250 words.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

In morden life, the problem of obesity upsurges day by day. Increasing rate of overweight children and adult is a major issue in some countries, especially developed-countries. There are various reasons behind it but in this essay I will try to sum up it into some main causes and give particular way to deal with each reason.

One of the main reasons of the problem is that the majority of people do not consumpt a healthy and balanced diet .For instance, in Indpnesia, people tend to consumpt more junk foods which contain high level of calories, trans-fat and oil because they have not enough time to prepare themselves a healthy meal in such a hurried society. Certainly, children also have the same meals with their parents. It is often seen that they are fond of burgers, pizzas, chips and cakes.These types of foods are easily available in school canteens and make them obese. Thus, this problem can be solved by teaching children to choose another healthy foods such as plant-based foods like grains, fruits and vegetables and banning junk foods and fizzy drinks in schools. Moreover, parents should spend time to prepare healthy meals for their own family.

Another prpblem is inactive lifestyle. It is true that people’s physical activities have been changed due to the development of technological activities. Instead of playing outdoor sports or doing exercise in the gymnasium, people prefer to spend their time on computer games or chatting on the internet. As result the amount of redundant energy that they had consumed will easily transfer into fat. This issue can be solved by encouraging them to do more physical exercises even in working time. For children, parents can take them to park to encourage playing with friends. Furthermore, schools can add sports in their curriculum to maintain physical fitness in their students.

To conclude, obesity is a serious health problem. The only way to solve this problem is making appropriate changes to our lifestyle. People should be encouraged to get physically active and reduce their consumption of fatty foods. The governments and the media can play an importance role in creating awareness about the ill effects of obesity.

Saturday, 3 June 2017

IELTS Writting Dry Methode of Coffee

Hasil gambar untuk dry method of coffee production ielts

The picture depicts the process of producing coffee . As can be seen, there are 12 steps in the process from sorting to packaging and sales.

First of all, the coffee beans are selected manually by hand and then cleaned using sieves before are dried in the sun for approximately 4 weeks. During this time they are constantly raked and turned to aid in the drying process. Once they are dry,they are placed in silos for storage. Then large trucks come to collect the beans and deliver them to themill.

In the subsequent stages, the beans are hulled by the worker, after that in order to purify the results, filtering tool is needed to grade the beans and bagged eventually. Finally, they already to sold, there are two options in selling the coffee beans, they can be sold directly without entering packaging process or wrapped using labeled package which needs roasting process beforehand.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Daily Targets on June 2017

Daily Targets 01 June 2017

1. minum air putih minimal 1 liter sehari ♡
2. Tidak ngomongin kejelekan orang ♡
3. Mandi 2 kali sehari ♡
4. Jaga Wudlu ♡
5. Kurangi Teriak-teriak ♡
6. kurangi TP-TP ♡
7. Evaluasi harian sebelum tidur ♡
8. Tilawah Harian satu juz(persiapan ramadhan) ♡
9. share 1 kebaikan via sosmed ♡
10. olah raga pagi hari setelah shubuh dan sore ♡
11. Murojaah 1 Juz ♡ (on progress)
12. Dhuha ♡
13. ODOA ♡
14. Tahajud ♡
15. Mendengar 1 video ceramah minimal durasi 20 menit ♡
16. Baca minimal 3 passage di situa ♡
17. Praktek speaking 1 tema ■
18. Latihan listening 1 podcast ■
19. Latihan writting dan di post di blog ■
20. Kerjakan buku2 pelajaran ■
21. Baca 1 model writting ♡

Success 17
Failed 4

Daily Targets 02 June 2017

1. minum air putih minimal 1 liter sehari ♡
2. Tidak ngomongin kejelekan orang ♡
3. Mandi 2 kali sehari ♡
4. Jaga Wudlu ♡
5. Kurangi Teriak-teriak ♡
6. kurangi TP-TP ♡
7. Evaluasi harian sebelum tidur ♡
8. Tilawah Harian satu juz(persiapan ramadhan) ♡
9. share 1 kebaikan via sosmed ♡
10. olah raga pagi hari setelah shubuh dan sore ♡
11. Murojaah 1 Juz ♡
12. Dhuha ♡
13. ODOA ♡
14. Tahajud ♡
15. Mendengar 1 video ceramah minimal durasi 20 menit ♡
16. Baca minimal 3 passage di situa ♡
17. Praktek speaking 1 tema ♡
18. Latihan listening 1 podcast ♡
19. Latihan writting dan di post di blog ■■■
20. Kerjakan buku2 pelajaran ♡
21. Baca 1 model writting ♡

Success 20
Failed 1

Daily Targets 03 June 2017

1. minum air putih minimal 1 liter sehari ♡
2. Tidak ngomongin kejelekan orang ♡
3. Mandi 2 kali sehari ♡
4. Jaga Wudlu ♡
5. Kurangi Teriak-teriak ♡
6. kurangi TP-TP ♡
7. Evaluasi harian sebelum tidur ♡
8. Tilawah Harian satu juz(persiapan ramadhan) ♡
9. share 1 kebaikan via sosmed ♡
10. olah raga pagi hari setelah shubuh dan sore ♡
11. Murojaah 1 Juz ♡
12. Dhuha ♡
13. ODOA ♡
14. Tahajud ♡
15. Mendengar 1 video ceramah minimal durasi 20 menit ♡
16. Baca minimal 3 passage di situa ♡
17. Praktek speaking 1 tema ♡
18. Latihan listening 1 podcast ♡
19. Latihan writting dan di post di blog ♡
20. Kerjakan buku pelajaran ♡
21. Baca 1 model writting ♡

Success 21
Failed 0

04 Juni 2017

1. minum air putih minimal 1 liter sehari ♡
2. Tidak ngomongin kejelekan orang ■■■
3. Mandi 2 kali sehari ♡
4. Jaga Wudlu ♡
5. Kurangi Teriak-teriak ♡
6. kurangi TP-TP ♡
7. Evaluasi harian sebelum tidur ♡
8. Tilawah Harian satu juz(persiapan ramadhan) ♡
9. share 1 kebaikan via sosmed ♡
10. olah raga pagi hari setelah shubuh dan sore ♡
11. Murojaah 1 Juz ■■■
12. Dhuha ♡
13. ODOA ■■■
14. Tahajud ♡
15. Mendengar 1 video ceramah minimal durasi 20 menit ♡
16. Baca minimal 3 passage di situa ♡
17. Praktek speaking 1 tema■■■
18. Latihan listening 1 podcast ■■■
19. Latihan writting dan di post di blog ■■■
20. Kerjakan buku2 pelajaran ♡
21. Baca 1 model writting ♡

Success 15
Failed 6

05 Juni 1993

1. minum air putih minimal 1 liter sehari
2. Tidak ngomongin kejelekan orang
3. Mandi 2 kali sehari
4. Jaga Wudlu
5. Kurangi Teriak-teriak
6. kurangi TP-TP
7. Evaluasi harian sebelum tidur
8. Tilawah Harian satu juz(persiapan ramadhan)
9. share 1 kebaikan via sosmed
10. olah raga pagi hari setelah shubuh dan sore
11. Murojaah 1 Juz
12. Dhuha
13. ODOA
14. Tahajud
15. Mendengar 1 video ceramah minimal durasi 20 menit
16. Baca minimal 3 passage di situa
17. Praktek speaking 1 tema
18. Latihan listening 1 podcast
19. Latihan writting dan di post di blog
20. Kerjakan buku2 pelajaran
21. Baca 1 model writting

06 Juni 2017

1. minum air putih minimal 1 liter sehari ♡
2. Tidak ngomongin kejelekan orang ♡
3. Mandi 2 kali sehari ♡
4. Jaga Wudlu ♡
5. Kurangi Teriak-teriak ♡
6. kurangi TP-TP ♡
7. Evaluasi harian sebelum tidur ♡ ♡
8. Tilawah Harian satu juz(persiapan ramadhan) ♡
9. share 1 kebaikan via sosmed♡
10. olah raga pagi hari setelah shubuh dan sore ♡
11. Murojaah 1 Juz ♡
12. Dhuha ♡
13. ODOA ♡
14. Tahajud ♡
15. Mendengar 1 video ceramah minimal durasi 20 menit produv ♡
16. Baca minimal 3 passage di situa ♡
17. Praktek speaking 1 tema ♡
18. Latihan listening 1 podcast
19. Latihan writting dan di post di blog ♡
20. Kerjakan buku2 pelajaran ♡
21. Baca 1 model writting ♡

Success 20
Faliled 1

06 Juni 2017

1. minum air putih minimal 1 liter sehari ♡
2. Tidak ngomongin kejelekan orang ♡
3. Mandi 2 kali sehari ♡
4. Jaga Wudlu ♡
5. Kurangi Teriak-teriak ♡
6. kurangi TP-TP ♡
7. Evaluasi harian sebelum tidur ♡ ♡
8. Tilawah Harian satu juz(persiapan ramadhan) ♡
9. share 1 kebaikan via sosmed♡
10. olah raga pagi hari setelah shubuh dan sore ♡
11. Murojaah 1 Juz ♡
12. Dhuha ♡
13. ODOA ♡ (On Progress)
14. Tahajud ♡
15. Mendengar 1 video ceramah minimal durasi 20 menit produv ♡
16. Baca minimal 3 passage di situa ♡
17. Praktek speaking 1 tema ♡
18. Latihan listening 1 podcast ■■■
19. Latihan writting dan di post di blog ♡
20. Kerjakan buku2 pelajaran ♡
21. Baca 1 model writting ♡

Success 20
Failed 1

07 Juni 2017

1. minum air putih minimal 1 liter sehari ♡
2. Tidak ngomongin kejelekan orang ♡
3. Mandi 2 kali sehari ♡
4. Jaga Wudlu ♡
5. Kurangi Teriak-teriak ♡
6. kurangi TP-TP ♡
7. Evaluasi harian sebelum tidur ♡ ♡
8. Tilawah Harian satu juz(persiapan ramadhan) ♡
9. share 1 kebaikan via sosmed♡
10. olah raga pagi hari setelah shubuh dan sore ♡
11. Murojaah 1 Juz ♡
12. Dhuha ♡
13. ODOA ♡
14. Tahajud ♡
15. Mendengar 1 video ceramah minimal durasi 20 menit produv ♡
16. Baca minimal 3 passage di situa ♡
17. Praktek speaking 1 tema ■■■
18. Latihan listening 1 podcast ■■■
19. Latihan writting dan di post di blog ♡
20. Kerjakan buku2 pelajaran  ■■■
21. Baca 1 model writting ♡

Success 18
Failed 3

08 June 2017
1. minum air putih minimal 1 liter sehari ♡
2. Tidak ngomongin kejelekan orang ♡
3. Mandi 2 kali sehari ■■■
4. Jaga Wudlu ♡
5. Kurangi Teriak-teriak ♡
6. kurangi TP-TP ♡
7. Evaluasi harian sebelum tidur ♡ ♡
8. Tilawah Harian satu juz(persiapan ramadhan) ♡
9. share 1 kebaikan via sosmed♡
10. olah raga pagi hari setelah shubuh dan sore ♡
11. Murojaah 1 Juz ♡
12. Dhuha ♡
13. ODOA ■■■
14. Tahajud ♡
15. Mendengar 1 video ceramah minimal durasi 20 menit produv ♡
16. Baca minimal 3 passage di situa ♡
17. Praktek speaking 1 tema ■■■
18. Latihan listening 1 podcast ■■■
19. Latihan writting dan di post di blog ♡
20. Kerjakan buku2 pelajaran  ■■■
21. Baca 1 model writting ♡

Success 16
Failed 5

09 June 2017
1. minum air putih minimal 1 liter sehari ♡
2. Tidak ngomongin kejelekan orang ♡
3. Mandi 2 kali sehari ♡
4. Jaga Wudlu ♡
5. Kurangi Teriak-teriak ♡
6. kurangi TP-TP ♡
7. Evaluasi harian sebelum tidur ♡ ♡
8. Tilawah Harian satu juz(persiapan ramadhan) ♡
9. share 1 kebaikan via sosmed■■■
10. olah raga pagi hari setelah shubuh dan sore ♡
11. Murojaah 1 Juz ♡
12. Dhuha ♡
13. ODOA ■■■
14. Tahajud ♡
15. Mendengar 1 video ceramah minimal durasi 20 menit produv ♡
16. Baca minimal 3 passage di situa ♡
17. Praktek speaking 1 tema ■■■
18. Latihan listening 1 podcast ■■■
19. Latihan writting dan di post di blog ■■■
20. Kerjakan buku2 pelajaran  ■■■
21. Baca 1 model writting ♡

Success 15
Failed 6

10 June 2017

1. minum air putih minimal 1 liter sehari ♡
2. Tidak ngomongin kejelekan orang ♡
3. Mandi 2 kali sehari ♡
4. Jaga Wudlu ♡
5. Kurangi Teriak-teriak ♡
6. kurangi TP-TP ♡
7. Evaluasi harian sebelum tidur ♡ ♡
8. Tilawah Harian satu juz(persiapan ramadhan) ♡
9. share 1 kebaikan via sosmed■■■
10. olah raga pagi hari setelah shubuh dan sore ♡
11. Murojaah 1 Juz ■■■
12. Dhuha ♡
13. ODOA ♡
14. Tahajud ♡
15. Mendengar 1 video ceramah minimal durasi 20 menit produv ♡
16. Baca minimal 3 passage di situa ♡
17. Praktek speaking 1 tema ■■■
18. Latihan listening 1 podcast ■■■
19. Latihan writting dan di post di blog ■■■
20. Kerjakan buku2 pelajaran  ■■■
21. Baca 1 model writting ♡

Success 15
Failed 6

11 June 2017
1. minum air putih minimal 1 liter sehari ♡
2. Tidak ngomongin kejelekan orang ♡
3. Mandi 2 kali sehari ■■■
4. Jaga Wudlu (Period)
5. Kurangi Teriak-teriak ♡
6. kurangi TP-TP ♡
7. Evaluasi harian sebelum tidur ♡
8. Tilawah Harian satu juz(persiapan ramadhan) (Period)
9. share 1 kebaikan via sosmed ♡
10. olah raga pagi hari setelah shubuh dan sore ♡
11. Murojaah 1 Juz ♡
12. Dhuha (Period)
13. ODOA (Period)
14. Tahajud (Period)
15. Mendengar 1 video ceramah minimal durasi 20 menit ♡
16. Baca minimal 3 passage di situa ♡
17. Praktek speaking 1 tema■■■
18. Latihan listening 1 podcast■■■
19. Latihan writting dan di post di blog■■■
20. Kerjakan buku2 pelajaran■■■
21. Baca 1 model writting ♡

Success 16
Failed 5

12 June 2017

1. minum air putih minimal 1 liter sehari ♡
2. Tidak ngomongin kejelekan orang ♡
3. Mandi 2 kali sehari ♡
4. Jaga Wudlu (Period)
5. Kurangi Teriak-teriak ♡
6. kurangi TP-TP ♡
7. Evaluasi harian sebelum tidur ♡
8. Tilawah Harian satu juz(persiapan ramadhan) (Period)
9. share 1 kebaikan via sosmed ♡
10. olah raga pagi hari setelah shubuh dan sore ♡
11. Murojaah 1 Juz ♡
12. Dhuha (Period)
13. ODOA (Period)
14. Tahajud (Period)
15. Mendengar 1 video ceramah minimal durasi 20 menit ♡
16. Baca minimal 3 passage di situa ♡
17. Praktek speaking 1 tema ■■■
18. Latihan listening 1 podcast ■■■
19. Latihan writting dan di post di blog ■■■
20. Kerjakan buku2 pelajaran ■■■
21. Baca 1 model writting ♡

Success 17
Failed 4

13 June 2017

1. minum air putih minimal 1 liter sehari ♡
2. Tidak ngomongin kejelekan orang ♡
3. Mandi 2 kali sehari ■■■
4. Jaga Wudlu (Period)
5. Kurangi Teriak-teriak ♡
6. kurangi TP-TP ♡
7. Evaluasi harian sebelum tidur ♡
8. Tilawah Harian satu juz(persiapan ramadhan) (Period)
9. share 1 kebaikan via sosmed ♡
10. olah raga pagi hari setelah shubuh dan sore ♡
11. Murojaah 1 Juz ♡
12. Dhuha (Period)
13. ODOA (Period)
14. Tahajud (Period)
15. Mendengar 1 video ceramah minimal durasi 20 menit ■■■
16. Baca minimal 3 passage di situa ♡
17. Praktek speaking 1 tema ♡
18. Latihan listening 1 podcast ■■■
19. Latihan writting dan di post di blog ■■■
20. Kerjakan buku2 pelajaran ■■■

21. Baca 1 model writting ♡

Success 17
Failed 4

14 - 17 june ■■■■■ (Libur Persiapan Test IELTS)